

 Dear Friends,  Soul Consciousness  is derived from experiencing the self as the soul, having understood its definition that we all a point of incorporeal  light . The essential elements of our own self are purity, patience, love, peace, bliss to the fullest extent.  When people spend much time, money and energy in developing their bodies and making them attractive to other people....  Are they have the thought to develop their Soul and make it attractive to God...? We may have a beautiful attractive body now, but it is subject to ageing, to change in temperature and to death. There is no guarantee that our body will remain for more years. The Soul is an eternal, immortal point of Spiritual light. Soul doesn't die. If we take steps to develop our Soul and feed it with Spiritual knowledge, our character, our personality will become rich and full of beauty . We ourselves can experience the inner beauty in life by practicing to be Soul consciousness. Through Soul Consciousness, we wil


  Dear Friends - What do you mean by Mistake? A wrong judgement, misunderstanding/ a wrong action or statement proceeding from faulty judgement / inadequate knowledge or inattention....   Each and every human being would like to have a successful life....But success can be attained by continuous effort and we need to have the positive mentality to learn from our mistakes. We realize that in order to grow and progress, meeting the challenges of the present, we have to learn to run the obstacle race. It is not that we can jump every obstacle successfully in the first time. Sometimes a couple of attempts are needed to learn the hurdle. We feel pain as we hit by shins, but hopefully we need to have the mentality to learn how to jump properly by next time. We should look at life positively as a game or drama, it is clear that we cannot choose what scenes we have to play in, so we should be prepared to play our part to the best of our ability under all circumstances. The variety of scenes


  Dear Friends  - What do you mean by Spirituality ? The quality of being concerned with the  human spirit or soul  as opposed to material or physical thing.... Spirituality does not mean sitting in temple/church for many hours in a day. It means living our life with values /beliefs and in the awareness that  we all are souls, the child of 1 God,  and all the other souls are my sisters and brothers. Spirituality means a life with values based on truth rather than acquisition of objects. It can also be said that life in which we understand and appreciate  the importance of developing our inner self with good qualities. Spirituality means divine virtues such as tolerance, co-operation, love etc...a life in which we can communicate and relate to others with a smile in eyes and happiness in my voice, a life in which our aim does not have four wheels, but it has to make  our life to be honest with our self, with God and truthful in our dealings with others. Once we understand the meaning a


  Dear Friends - What do you mean by thought? The product of mental activity that which one thinks, the act or process of thinking...... People say that thoughts are more  powerful than nuclear weapons . The most powerful instrument that mankind possesses is thought power. I am what I think....The mind is constantly occupied in the thought process, as research says that human being have 30000 thoughts in a day .Our entire world is created by our own thoughts, sometimes the result of these thoughts are manifested immediately and sometimes results take a longer period to come into the practical. However the fact remains that thoughts, when given constant energy and attention, will come into practical. If we think positive  or negative, based on our thoughts and actions we create the world around us. A pure thought, is free from all vices such as ego, hatred, pride, greed and anger.  A pure thought, when transferred into action, enriches the creator as well as the creation.  So it can be


 Dear Friends -  What do you mean by patience....? The quality  of being able to stay calm and not to get angry, especially when there is a difficulty or you have to wait for a long time. We all would like to to have a Peaceful life....But how many of us taken steps to be patient. We often use the sentence like....that I do not like to wait.  We become easily impatient. we need to get things to happen immediately  in the way how we planned. The reason for the above expectations is we have  become programmed and done our mind set into immediate response , we expect this everywhere, and when any event is failed in the manner how we planned then automatically we get annoyed. Silence and Patience are more Powerful energies,   once we practice silence it will make us to be  mentally strong, similarly once we practice  patience then it will make us to be emotionally strong. Is Patience is a virtuous or is it a hassle? Patience has little space in the fast moving materialistic world. Now peop


  Dear Friends - What do you mean by TTT ? TTT represents -  "Thirty Transformational Thoughts" About The Book - I am Vibration Veera the author of " TTT" book. I feel happy to Publish my 2nd book on"TTT". This is a collection of my thoughts about Love, Ego, Gossip, Silence, mental energy, negative conditioning and Worry etc....Each and every topic is well planned and delivered in a simple format in order to reach the common man. The tips/ techniques described in this book are the products of my own experience. I am sure that it will be beneficial to the readers who are eager to change themselves. Gratitude : I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the following organisation/firm for their valuable support in Publishing my 2nd book on "TTT" 1. H & N Catering Services - Singapore 2. RADIAN Engineering & Solutions - Bangalore 3. Aaradhana Silks - Sirumugai - Coimbatore 4. LARA Business Support - Coimbatore Words from


  Dear Friends - What do you mean by Passion ? How the life will be if you convert your passion into                                      Profession ? In life our Career/Profession plays an important role to support us in many ways, but just check yourself that is it the profession we like to do in our life or just because of our qualification and just because to maintain our family we do something in the name of our career.  PASSION - A strong feeling, Strong liking or desire to do .....Passion can be anything like - to become a Doctor/ to become a Politician/ to be a Speaker etc.... PURPOSE : The reason why something is done or used/...the feeling of being determined to do or achieve something..... PROFESSION : A job that needs a high level of training and or education.... Steps :  Know and follow your Passion  Understand the Purpose of doing things Convert your Passion into  Profession The above steps is the way to  convert our Passion into Profession and it is not an easy thing